Inharmonic Halo

 for ensemble and electronics
soon in 2024 

Evgeny Ignashev is a Vienna-based composer and sound artist known for immersive resonant sonic experiences merging musicality with pure acoustic sensations. Exploring surreal, oneiric, and natural world themes, his work spans acousmatic and live-electronic compositions, sound installations, AV-pieces, and theater/film. Delving into psychoacoustics, asymmetrical irregular rhythms and gestures, microtonal/spectral techniques, and site-specific spatial sound projections, he intertwines sounds from synthesis, vintage test equipment, audio programming, field recordings, custom-built electroacoustic instruments and extended vocal/instrumental techniques.

Works presented at Ars Electronica, Diagonale Graz, Künstlerhaus Wien, ORF/Ö1, Wiener Konzerthaus, Tresor Berlin; featured in films and contributed to the Apple Design Awards-winning Loóna app; supported by the Austrian Ministry for Arts & Culture (BMKÖS), the City of Vienna, SKE, and others. Co-founder of the punctum collective ensemble/concert series and other exploratory art projects, including ACT (A Certain Trio), W~ARP (Wiener ARP2600 Ensemble), The Kickers, Marie Byrd Land. He studied electroacoustic composition, sound art, electronic media at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (mdw), Darmstädter Ferienkurse, has an early background in cello and audio engineering, and holds a degree in psychology focused on music cognition.

︎ Künstlerischer Lebenslauf (de)

photo: (1) Ж Ignashev, (2) Christiano Tekirdali,
(3) Hessam Samavatian 



19:30 moquette xi, Vienna AT
Live w/ A Certain Trio :: velak Gala, Klangtheater (University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna), Vienna, AT
All that matters III :: Jesuitenkeller, Vienna AT
tba, Blinds #7 :: Haiz Creative Cluster, Vienna, AT :: Vienna, AT
tba, Live w/ Marie Byrd Land :: Vienna, AT


19:30 Zacherlfabrik, Vienna, AT
20:00 Blinds #6 :: Brick-15, Vienna, AT
19:30 All That Matters II, Jesuitenkeller, Vienna AT - premiere of ‘phōnno’ acousmatic composition ︎ Supported by SKE Fonds
DIAGONALE – Festival des österreichischen Films w/ Filmkoop, Graz, AT
Blinds #5 :: Haiz Creative Cluster, Vienna, AT :: Eye masks, music, analog films :: solo and with punctum collective
moquette X anniversary event :: Konzilsgedächtniskirche Lainz Speising, Vienna, AT
Live with Marie Byrd Land :: celeste, Vienna, AT 
︎ Supported by 1050 Bezirkskulturförderung
moquette ix :: Konzilsgedächtniskirche Lainz Speising, Vienna, AT :: solo and with punctum collective
Poème Manékinique audiokinetic installation (with Frederic Stritter) :: Wild Im West, Vienna, AT :: Dedicated to György Ligeti’s 100.Anniversary of birth︎ Supported by Stadt Wien Kultur & Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus Bezirkskulturförderung

Poème Manékinique Performance (with Frederic Stritter, Sarah Dragović, Jake Mann) :: WildImWest, Vienna, AT :: Audiokinetic installation
Live with Marie Byrd Land — Love’s Farewell :: Cafe Siebenstern, Vienna, AT
Sonoric Reflections :: Österreichische Postsparkasse, Vienna, AT :: live with punctum collective
Blinds #4  :: Brick-15, Vienna, AT. ‘Interzone’ live with punctum collective
︎ Supported by BMKÖS  ︎ Gefördert von der Stadt Wien Kultur
Blinds #3 :: Künstlerhaus Wien, AT :: Eye masks, music, analog films.
︎ Supported by SKE
moquette viii :: Konzilsgedächtniskirche Lainz Speising, Vienna, AT :: solo and with Punctum Collective
Blinds #2 concert series (with Punctum Collective) :: Künstlerhaus Wien, AT :: Eye masks, music, analog films. ︎ Supported by SKE
Live at VELAK Gala at Symposion Lindabrunn, Lindabrunn, AT, live
Bodies of Water, Kongressbad, event by czirp czirp, Kongressbad Vienna, AT :: dj/live hybrid-set
ImPulsTanz Festival, Burgtheater / Vienna, AT :: DJ-Set b2b with Yuzu
moquette vii, Konzilsgedächtniskirche Lainz Speising, Vienna, AT :: solo and with Punctum Collective
Live at Das LOT, Vienna, AT
moquette vi, Konzilsgedächtniskirche Lainz Speising, Vienna, AT :: solo and with Punctum Collective
Blinds #1 concert series (with Punctum Collective) :: Künstlerhaus Wien, AT :: Eye masks, music, analog films. 
︎ Supported by SKE
Echoraum, Vienna, AT :: ‘G E M S — genetically modified sounds’ (für AI/ML raw-audio Erzeugung)
︎ Gefördert von der Stadt Wien Kultur / (postponed from 21.01.22 due to CoV)

Jun ‘21
moquette V, Konzilsgedächtniskirche Lainz Speising, Vienna, AT :: live solo and with Punctum Collective
Jun ‘21
Echoraum, Vienna, AT :: sound projection at Shut Up And Listen festival: Nothing is real
︎ Supported by BMKÖS
May ‘21
Echoraum, Vienna, AT :: liaisons sonores electroacoustic music festival :: ‘Light cones and Actual Entities” — multichannel acousmatic composition, sound projection
︎ Supported by BMKÖS
Apr ‘21
::postponed/cancelled :: Vienna, AT :: live with W~ARP — Wiener ARP Ensemble mit AkustikInstrumentalistInnen
Feb ‘21
::postponed/cancelled :: Moquette v, Konzilsgedächtniskirche Lainz Speising, Vienna, AT :: live  solo and with Punctum Collective
Jan ‘21 
::postponed/cancelled :: velak Konzertreihe, Vienna, AT :: live performance A Certain Trio
Dec ‘20
Alte Schmiede, Vienna, AT :: live performance with A Certain Trio
Sep ‘20
moquette iv, Konzilsgedächtniskirche Lainz Speising, Vienna, AT :: live performance with punctum collective
Sep ‘20
Ars Electronica 2020 — SOUND CAMPUS, Linz, AT :: live performance with A Certain Trio
Aug ‘20
VELAK #115, Enzesfeld-Lindabrunn, AT :: live performance with W~ARP — Wiener ARP Ensemble
Jun ‘20
moquette iii, Konzilsgedächtniskirche Lainz Speising, Vienna, AT :: live performance with punctum collective
May ‘20
Modulometer — an online stream concert, Vienna, AT :: ‘Needless Needles’ — a generative composition for PureData
Feb ‘20
Panzerechse Bauchfrei, Venster 99, Vienna, AT :: live performance with A Certain Trio
Dec ‘19
Shut Up And Listen Festival, Echoraum, Vienna, A :: live performance with W~ARP — Wiener ARP Ensemble
Oct ‘19
La Cueva, UG Soundlabor, Semperdepot, Vienna, AT :: live performance with A Certain Trio
Oct ‘19
moquette ii, Konzilsgedächtniskirche Lainz Speising, Vienna, AT :: live performance with ṗunctum collective
Aug ‘19
‘Suspense’ — original soundtrack to the photo exhibition of Tim Parchikov as a part of the cultural programm of the Locarno Film Festival, Locarno, IT
Jun ‘19
Velak Gala, Fluc, Vienna, AT :: live performance with A Certain Trio
Jun ‘19
moquette i, Konzilsgedächtniskirche Lainz Speising, Vienna, AT :: live performance with ṗunctum collective
Jun ‘19
live with Santa Melodica Orchestra at mumok (museum of modern art), Vienna, AT
May ‘19
ELAK concert at the Floating Sound Gallery, New Stage of the Alexandrinski Theater, St.Petersburg, RU :: a fixed media 8-channel acousmatic version of ‘Ionosphere’, sound diffusion: Thomas Grill
May ‘19
Kramladen, Vienna, AT :: live performance with A Certain Trio (together with Yuri Landman)
Apr ‘19
Washington International Film Festival, US | Fajr International Film Festival, Tehran, IR
‘The Case’ — an original movie soundtrack together with Andrei Oid, international premiere
Mar ‘19
Konzilsgedächtniskirche, Vienna, AT :: live performance of ‘Terrane’ for dust, soprano and live-electronics with Nava Hemyari
Sep ‘18
‘Poor Folk’ — original movie soundtrack together with Andrei Oid :: premiere and vinyl release at Garage Museum of Modern Art, Moscow, RU
Sep ‘18
Ars Electronica 2018, Linz, AT :: an acousmatic presentation of ‘Per Aspera Ad Astra’ on a 20.4 speaker system as a part of a Listening room / Sonic Saturday
Jun ‘18
ELAK concerts at Steinergasse 8, Vienna, AT :: (1) live performance with W~ARP — Wiener ARP Ensemble (with Wolfgang Musil and Frederic Stritter); (2) fixed media multichannel spatialisation of ‘Ионосфера’ and MDWhale (with Frederic Stritter)
Jun ‘18
Organo/Logics at Hofburgkapelle Wien (Chapel of the Hofburg Imperial Palace), Vienna, AT :: live performance of ‘Ionosphere’ for organ and live-electronics. Organ: Wolfgang Kogert; künstlerische Leitung: Karlheinz Essl
May ‘18
‘Sounds of Matter’ — an international composition competition encouraging composers to find new creative ways to convey scientific ideas through music. A ‘Public choice’ award for the ‘Fullerene-graphene Sandwich’ acousmatic composition, Vienna, AT 
Apr ‘18
‘Дело Собчака’ — an original movie soundtrack together with Andrei Oid, russian premiere, Moscow, RU
Apr ‘18
Sonic Lab at Anton Bruckner Private University, Linz, AT. A 20.4-sound system live sound diffusion of ‘Per Aspera Ad Astra’ acousmatic composition
Jan ‘18
ELAK-Werkstattkonzert, Echoraum, Vienna, AT :: ‘Per Aspera Ad Astra’ acousmatic composition for a 16-channel system
Jul ‘17
Electric Orpheus Academy, Rappottenstein, AT :: live sound diffusion of a fixed media multichannel piece. Künstlerische Leitung: Günther Rabl, Wolfgang Musil
Jul ‘17
Schizophonic — ELAK Sommerkonzert, WUK, Vienna, AT :: ‘Terrane’ for dust, soprano and electronics, live performance with Nava Hemyari (voice)
Jun’ 17
Soundings VI, mdw, Vienna, AT :: live performance of ‘zwîval’ for a Michelsonne toy piano and live-electronics. Toy piano: Asmir Jakupovic
Jun ‘17
MDW Aufspiel, Konzerthaus, Berio Saal, Vienna, AT :: The 200. Anniversary of the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (mdw). ‘Phyllotaxis’ — a fixed media acousmatic multichannel composition presented as a part of a special selection for the anniversary concert 
Jan ‘17
Echoraum, Vienna, AT :: ‘Phyllotaxis’ acousmatic composition for a 12-channel system
Jan ‘17
Improvisation und neue Musikströmungen, Clara-Schumann-Saal, mdw, Vienna, AT. A concert of improvised music with acoustic and electronic instruments. Künstlerische Leitung: Katharina Klement
Sep ‘16
Vienna Acousmonium concert ‘Sounds Around Me’, Semperdepot, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, AT :: live sound diffusion of ‘Studie IIIIIIV’
Jul ‘16
Sommerkonzert ELAK Wien, Moë, Vienna, AT :: live performance of ‘An attempt at a Sound Conception of the Universal Ether‘ for a grand piano, objects, and electromagnetic electronics, 4-channel. Piano: Asmir Jakupovic
Apr ‘16
All You Need Is Ears, Tresor, Berlin, DE
Jan ‘16
Voyage Sonore, Echoraum, Vienna, AT :: a 10-channel sound diffusion of an acousmatic piece ‘Studie IIIIIIV’
Aug ‘14
Konnex Night @ OSTHANG Project, Internationales Musikinstitut Darmstadt, Darmstadt, DE :: live performance

Selected Works

Poème Manékinique 

sonic, hypnotic, polyrhythmic & shiny 
performative installation

by Evgeny Ignashev & Frederic Stritter
Dedicated to the 100th anniversary of György Ligeti's birth (2023).

Premiere: WildImWest / BaBu Bar, Vienna
Installation: daily 13.–16.6.2023 (17:00-22:00)
Performance: 16.6.23, 19:00
feat. Sarah Maria Dragović, Nava Hemyari (voice), Jake Mann (clarinet)

Kindly supported by Stadt Wien Kultur and Wien 15. Bezirk Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus


(Ionosphere) for organ and multichannel live-electronics
organ: Wolfgang Kogert

Live-performance at Hofburgkapelle (Chapel of the Hofburg Imperial Palace), Vienna, 22.6.2018. The piece is for live organ and 6-channel electronics, this is a stereo mixdown version.
Ionosphere focuses on the organ's sounds usually almost unhearable and unnoticed due to being quite, far from the listener, blurred by the acoustics of the space or considered artefacts accommodating the “proper” sound.

The wind from the blower, the tiny nuances and changes on the border between wind and tones, frequency beatings from the half-opened stops' combinations. Electromagnetic fields recorded with special microphones create an electronic layer of the piece.

Evgeny Ignashev  |  Impressum  |  Works     About/Events     Contact     ︎     A Certain Trio     W~ARP
Ж Eugene Ignashev, Evgeny Ignashev, Evgenii Ignashev Ж, iiignashev, Евгений Игнашев Ж